Open Source Contributions, doubly so

Document cv/open-source

Open Source Contributions

See also:




A merger of several lists of lists, which serve as curated collections on particular topics.

Includes a Github Repo Mirror Tool


Added script for exporting google maps stars.

Fake Sudo

A sudo replacement that lets you become root inside user namespaces.

Discourse KISS

A simple alternative to deploy Discourse as a normal Docker image.

AceBase - FOSS Firebase alternative

Fixes for ES modules.

Vlang - new programming language

Fix example in docs.

Zig - new programming language

Fix and add to docs. Fix homebrew build.

NeutralinoJS - Web-based cross-platform toolkit

Allow reading and writing to clipboard.

Snowpack - JS build tool

A proof-of-concept to show how this JS build tool could output static HTML. It proved to be quite a hack so I gave up on snowpack.

PeerParty - Social Consensus Blockchain Project

I worked on this project for a friend who runs it with culture sector funding. I fixed a bug in the usage of the Ethereum smart contract, which was running out of gas.

VyOS - Router OS

Documentation updates.

Python Bluetooth Stack

Some minor fixes while playing around with a Python-based bluetooth stack. I built a small service for a Raspberry Pi so it could emulate a smart lamp and turn a light on and off.

Windows2USB - Docs

Update link to WoeUSB tool.

ElderJS - Svelte-based static site generator

Make assets location portable.

sdlang python parser

SDLang is a simple and concise way to textually represent data. This is the first python implementation, also test bed for specl.

netfilter - Linux Firewall Subsystem

manpage updates

Sway - Wayland Compositor

Added color management.

systemd - Core Linux system tools

Nix - declarative Linux distro and packaging

Update some packages.


A few docker images.

instantlinux - docker-tools

Minor fixes.

imapclient - Python library

Add support for MULTIAPPEND and LITERAL+ IMAP extensions - accepted.

Also removes the dependeny on imapclient - still open.

borg - modern backup program

A proof-of-concept to be able to efficiently copy data between backup repos. Unfortunately, the way borg does encryption makes this almost impossible.

Nomic - a game of rules

Nomic is a game about rules. I played with a few friends in the form of a public github project.

AWS Cloudwatch Minder

Enable logging.

JPP - JSON pretty printer

Fix medium-size integer formatting.

bSpokeLight - bicycle light firmware

Added Dockerfile for building.


A lightweight JS framework.


I fixed a bug in Python where stale bytecode would be used for modules which were modified less than 1 second ago.


Sublime Text 3 plugin for auto importing python modules.

Has evolved into my other auto-importers.


For an Irdeto hack-a-thon, a script to automate signup to weekly massages.

Meteor - noSQL

Added onMessage hook.

uwsgi - Python app server

Updated docs.


A script to create a commit for every day, even into the future!

Webpack Jade Plugin

Added support to render Jade tempaltes as static HTML instead of javascript functions.

A JS Build plugin to render Jade templates.


support stopped / stopping instance states

FastJSON (Alibaba)

Output the NUL character as valid JSON

packetpig - packet reading library

support IPv6 in DNS reader

descartes - dashboard for Graphite

support noauth

Ansible - lightweight config management


Homebrew - macOS package manager

new recipies for RPM, fixes for SDL

HBase - Analytics Database

Fixes for Thrift 2 gateway


support SRV records



Fix forking behavior. Updated in 2014.

Boost C++ library

segment manager releases memory used for an intrusive node before it's erased from the index

SysLinux boot loader

One my most memorable bug fixes, tracking down an integer overflow in the SYSLINUX boot loader for certain disk sizes.


better support for sleeping disks


udhcp fixes, OS X support, experimental SSL support, etc...

buildroot - embedded system distro


at - core time utility for Linux userspace

Fix at so it can be cross-compiled (using buildroot).

Ruby-ZOOM - Ruby library for Libraries


Supported importing library cataloge data automatically from public sources. For the Gambia College.

ISC Bind 8

ISC-Bugs #15859

ISC-Bugs #15573

uClibc - small C standard library



Minor contributions here and there.

submitted bugs: clients

Amua client, proxy client

Pidgin - Instant Messenger client

Wrote three C plugins for Gaim, an instant messaging client:


Bug fix patches:


Personal project to track status changes on AIM (AOL instant messenger), including their idle status, away messages, and profiles.

Written as a Perl daemon with remote administration.

iTunes Overlay

Personal project, a smaller UI for iTunes.

update bind8 package

privoxy - advertisment blocker

Fix file permissions on debian.

Also Ijbswa Bug 557695

Dell Cloud Manager python API

kickstart (bootstrap replacement)

fixes for updated dependencies


fixes for python API

fabric - python config management tool

OpenSSH client support, better temp sudo support

CVS Changelog


Docbook XSL

eltorito extractor - utility

Fixes of macOS.

Dropbox - small SSH client

Disable hostkey verification

Judy (tries)


Fixes of macOS.







courier (mail server) - distribution bugs



FUD Forum

Wrote a patch for FUD Forum, a web-based forum in PHP, extending it's usefulness as a mailing list manager.



Srapeh - PalmOS Library

A macro-based error-handling library for C-based Palm OS programs.

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